Hi guys.
If we could all try to follow these simple rules it would be very much apreciated.
Continue reading for in depth explanations of these rules.
This includes all download links such as Rapidshare, Mega, Rapidgator, Mediafire, etc, but also includes any links to pages on other sites.
Nicely explained by Grumpy in an old thread....
For new people it is a simple matter of clicking the # button highlighted in Red Here:

Or you can use the "Quick Reply" like me and simply type "[ code ]" before the link and " [/code ]" after the link (no spaces).
We "Code" All Off-Site Links to remain hidden. Search engines use links to find and produce their results. We avoid them like a plague so we can keep doing what you all love, posting the best 0-Day links, hosting a gigantic archive of comic links, and bringing you relevant video links, all for free. We have been stopped before and re-risen too many times. That's why we have the rules and that's why they must be followed. Simple.
2. USE IMAGE HOSTING SITES FOR ALL IMAGES POSTED.Another thing to look out for is posting cover images, or any images for that matter. We cant link to images on other commercial sites, especially if they sell or publish comics. All websites have statistic gathering features on their web hosting, which shows the address of every other site that links to them. Its not worth risking the attention. Since we are a piracy site they might report us and get us taken down.
In future make sure to put your images on a site like Tinypick or Photobucket. Those kind of image hosting sites are safe to use.
A. Find the image you need on another site, and save it to your computer.
B. Upload it to your free image hosting account.
C. Then you can safely post the image here.
3. NO PORN.Self explanatory!
4. DO NOT POST OUR SITE ADDRESS ELSEWHERE.Please dont post our site name or address openly on other sites. It can make us too easy to find, and the site could possibly be taken offline for good. Secrecy is safer. Its ok to invite trusted online friends through PM elsewhere though.
I know some of this stuff might sound really fussy to the uninitiated, but its the way things are done on all Comic sites who value their longevity, and we've been taken offline twice before, so we have to be really cautious.
Thanks guys.
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